March 8, 2024

Trump Must Pay Carroll Judgment Immediately

Donald Trump has had a rough month in the court in terms of financial judgments.

About a month ago, Donald Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll more than $83 million for defamation.

Trump appealed the case, and he was hoping to have the payment stayed until after the appeals process played out, but he just got some bad news on that front.

Pay the Woman Her Money

Generally speaking, judgments of this size are often stayed until the appeals process plays out, but that will not be the case here.

Judge Kaplan, who has seemingly relished dealing Trump this financial blow, refused to stay the decision. He hinted that Trump’s tactic of waiting until the last minute to file his motions was behind his ruling.

Kaplan stated, "Mr. Trump's current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions, he has had since January 26 to organize his finances with the knowledge that he might need to bond this judgment, yet he waited until 25 days after the jury verdict."

Trump’s spokesperson, Steven Cheung, responded by saying that Trump did everything by the book, yet he is still being penalized.

Cheung stated, "President Trump filed a timely motion to stay the ridiculous judgment, and many courts, including the Second Circuit, recognize the importance of temporary administrative stays while such motions are considered.

"We look forward to continuing to litigate the case and to complete vindication of the truth."

With no other options, Trump managed to secure a bond worth almost $92 million to pay the judgment.

That was far from the worst of it, though.

The clock is running out on Trump paying the New York fraud judgment, which is going to cost him more than $450 million by the time, fees, interest, and penalties are tacked on.

And just to add insult to injury, Trump's case against Christopher Steel and his company over the Steele Dossier was tossed in a UK court, with the judge ruling that Trump needs to reimburse Steele for $382,000 in legal fees.

Trump has always been known for breaking his enemies by being litigious, so it is as though one bad streak of Karma is now leveling the playing field.


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