May 28, 2024

Trump Legal Team Fires Counterstrike Against Jack Smith

Last week, it was announced that Special Counsel Jack Smith was seeking a gag order against Trump for his comments regarding the Mar-a-Lago warrant details.

The warrant used standard language, allowing deadly force if needed, with Trump then telling his supporters that Biden was “locked and loaded” to go after him.

Now Trump’s team has filed for sanctions to be placed against Smith for an “unconstitutional” gag order.


That is the hot word during the Trump trials, as Trump claims every ruling against him is unconstitutional.

If Trump is right, he would arguably have had more constitutional rights violated against him than any human being in our country’s history.

Prosecutors arguing in favor of the new gag order stated, “The Government’s request is necessary because of several intentionally false and inflammatory statements recently made by Trump that distort the circumstances under which the Federal Bureau of Investigation planned and executed the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago.”

Trump’s team responded, “The Motion is an extraordinary, unprecedented, and unconstitutional censorship application.

“The Motion unjustly targets President Trump’s campaign speech while he is the leading candidate for the presidency.”

His legal team also questioned the timing of the filing, which took place at the close of business on Friday, especially considering that Trump has closing arguments this week in the hush-money case.

They argued, “Under no circumstances can an email exchange initiated at 5:30 p.m. on a Friday evening constitute the type of conferral required by Local Rule 88.9.

“For President Trump, the fact that the Special Counsel’s Office initiated the exchange on the Friday preceding a holiday weekend is less important than the fact that the Office—well aware of the proceedings in People v. Trump— took these steps when President Trump’s defense summation is scheduled to begin on the morning of May 28.”

So, now Judge Cannon has a few more motions to decide upon before she can even think about moving for a revised start date to the trial.

If the case does not start by September, at the latest, I would never expect to see the case see the inside of a courtroom.

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