June 3, 2024

Trump Knew He Would Get Convicted

Donald Trump recently appeared on Fox News after his guilty verdict to explain what was going through his mind at the time.

Trump had been upbeat for most of the trial, but after the jury went to deliberations, Trump was far more somber.

In fact, he told the media that not even “Mother Theresa” could beat these charges.

Change of Heart

A lot of Trump’s demeanor had to do with the jury instructions, which all but sealed Trump’s fate.

The former president stated, "It's weaponization, and it's a very dangerous thing. We've never had that in this country.

"People get it. It's a scam. And the Republican Party… they've stuck together in this. They see it's a weaponization of the Justice Department of the FBI and that's all coming out of Washington."

Trump also noted how much of a toll this is taking on his family, most notably Melania Trump.

Keep in mind, these alleged affairs took place when Melania was pregnant with Barron and in the immediate aftermath.

She had to live through them then, she had to live through them during the 2016 campaign, and now again during these trials, so I think we can all understand why she is not attending the trials and avoiding media contact right now.

There is a positive for Trump in all of this, however, and that is that the public, for the most part, is not buying the narrative that Democrats are pushing.

I actually believe it hurt Democrats that the Biden campaign was sitting there with ads and posts about Trump being a “convicted felon” ready to go.

There are some threads leading from Joe Biden’s DOJ directly to the Manhattan DA’s office, and I would suspect that those threads are going to be pulled on fairly hard during the Trump appeal process as well as Trump’s ads focusing on the outcome of this case.

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