December 28, 2023

Trump Jr. Says He Would Try to Block Haley as VP

There has been a lot of chatter about Nikki Haley possibly being Donald Trump’s VP if he wins the nomination.

I have long believed that Trump gave Haley his blessing to run in the election believing that she would take away votes from DeSantis, never expecting her campaign to get the momentum it has received so far.

So, it was no surprise to hear the rumors that Trump was floating Haley as a VP to some of his allies to see what they thought… something that Donald Trump Jr. says he will cut off at the pass if it becomes a serious conversation.

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Haley has defied logic in her rise in this primary cycle.

I honestly thought her campaign was over when she started talking about doxxing anonymous social media users, but I could not have been more wrong.

The establishment and big-money Wall Street donors have flocked to her to the point she has almost surged past Ron DeSantis in national polls, now within one percentage point.

Haley has already surpassed DeSantis in New Hampshire, and she is now gaining on Trump as well. She was always polling well in South Carolina, more or less now forcing DeSantis to make his last stand in Iowa.

So, with Haley having served as Trump’s U.N. Ambassador, it was not exactly a surprise to see him float her name as a possible VP (I have believed she would be his VP or Secretary of State all along), but Junior says that will not happen.

During a recent interview with Eric Bolling on Newsmax, Jr. stated, “I wouldn’t have her and I would go to great lengths to make sure that that doesn’t happen.

“Nikki Haley wants never-ending wars. She’s a puppet of the establishment in Washington, DC. She’s the new favorite candidate of the billionaire class because they want control— no different than academia and Harvard and using their billions to exercise influence.”

Junior last took a shot at DeSantis in trying to explain the rise of Haley, stating, “Ron DeSantis has proven that he doesn’t have what it takes to be on that stage. He’s embarrassed himself that way. She is now the preferred candidate.”

That is not exactly accurate. DeSantis dropped in the polls because Trump has been attacking him non-stop because he feels that DeSantis betrayed him by running for office during this cycle. If DeSantis had waited until 2028 to run, Trump would have enthusiastically endorsed him, possibly even asked him to be his VP on this ticket.

And trust me, if Trump wants Haley on his ticket, Junior will not be able to stop him because if there is one thing Trump has proven over the years, he does what he wants regardless of what anyone else has to say.

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