February 21, 2024

Trump Hits Haley Campaign After Impassioned Speech

On Tuesday night, Nikki Haley decided to address the nation to announce that she had no intention of dropping out of the race, even down by 30 points in her home state.

Trump responded to the speech as we would expect, setting up an all-out war next week in South Carolina.

Haley is saying all the right things, but it sure is hard to imagine her living up to her promises being dominated like this in the polling.

Haley Says She Will Not Drop Out

With Haley being down 77.7 to 17.1% nationally and 63.5-33.5% in South Carolina, there is no real path forward for her to get the needed delegates to win the nomination. If she cannot win her home state, she is not going to win any state on Super Tuesday.

Even so, Haley has that she will stay in this race, stating, “I feel no need to kiss the ring.

“I have no fear of Trump’s retribution. I’m not looking for anything from him. My own political future is of zero concern.”

Haley went on to say that many of the Republicans who have gotten behind Trump in this election “privately dread him,” but they apparently dread being associated with a failed campaign even more.

She continued, "The presidential primaries have barely begun. Just three states have voted. That's right. Three. That's it. After this weekend, we'll be four. That's not a lot.

"In the ten days after South Carolina, another 21 states and territories will vote, and they deserve a real choice, not a Soviet-style election when there's only one candidate, and he gets 99% of the vote. We don't anoint kings in this country. We have elections. And Donald Trump, of all people, should know. We don't rig elections."

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung took the reins on Donald Trump’s response, answering in his usual crass and unprofessional manner.

He posted on X, "She's going to drop down to kiss a-- when she quits, like she always does.”

First, I don’t believe Haley for a second that she will stay in past South Carolina, and she will definitely not be in this race after Super Tuesday… so this is all posturing on her part.

Cheung thrives on throwing darts, but when they come back at him, all he does is complain and whine. Not to mention, he is alienating even more Republicans, and that is the biggest problem here.

This was a chance for the Trump campaign to try to unite and draw in Haley’s campaign but he did the complete opposite.

Between Cheung and Alex Bruesewitz, who is Trump’s main guy on X, they have arguably alienated every Haley and DeSantis supporter, somehow thinking they do not need those votes in order to win a general election.

Collectively, that is about 30% or so of the Republican base, so this is not a very smart strategy.

If Trump loses the general election and we see a larger down-ballot turnout than for the presidential election, we can all point the finger at those two for making that happen.

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