February 23, 2024

Trump Hints at Top VP Candidates During Fox News Town Hall

It is now all but a given that Trump is going to win the GOP nomination for the presidential election.

His last standing opponent, Nikki Haley, sees her home state of South Carolina head to the polls on Saturday and is more than likely her last stand.

So, the obvious question is, who will be Donald Trump’s VP on the ballot?

The Short List

This week, Donald Trump had a Town Hall event on Fox News with Laura Ingraham.

Ingraham rattled off a list of names to see who Trump liked as his VP, with Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R), and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) all named.

Trump confirmed they are all good people and all on his list.

However, he was particularly complimentary to Senator Scott, who was in attendance at the Town Hall.

Trump stated, “A lot of people are talking about that gentleman right over there.

“And he’s been so great. He’s been such a great advocate.

“I have to say — this is in a very positive way — Tim Scott, he has been much better for me than he was for himself.

“I watched his campaign and he doesn’t like talking about himself, but boy, does he talk about Trump.”

You guys know I have been all over Scott from almost the beginning, as polling shows a minority VP will help Trump immensely in this election.

Tulsi Gabbard, however, is new to this conversation, and election-wise, it is not necessarily the worst choice that Trump could make.

But, as I stated when Republicans were trying to woo Gabbard to run as a Republican, she is a Democrat, and her agenda is mostly liberal.

So, while I think she could help Trump in terms of getting elected, I think it would hurt him with hardline conservatives (just not enough for them not to vote for Trump).

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