May 18, 2024

Trump Demanding Pre-Debate Drug Test for Biden

Former President Donald Trump just BLEW the whistle!

Now, President Joe Biden and his administration are probably in a panic that America has heard what Trump has to say.

Trump has made a clear prediction about the upcoming presidential debates.

According to Trump, Biden will be “jacked up” during the events.

During a recent speech at Minnesota Republicans’ annual Lincoln Reagan fundraising dinner, Trump made a huge statement about Biden.

“He's going to be so jacked up for those, you watch,” Trump said in his speech.

Trump did not stop there.

He has recently made other huge statements regarding the upcoming presidential race.

Despite a Republican presidential candidate not turning Minnesota red in nearly half a century, Trump said this will be the year we see the state flip.

Trump interviewed with local affiliate station KSTP, where he let his thoughts on the state’s election be known.

“We think we have a really good shot at Minnesota. We have great friendships up there,” Trump said in the interview.

Despite Trump clearly feeling he will win Minnesota, the Biden administration does not share in that sentiment.

In fact, they feel strongly that Joe Biden will win in Minnesota!

The Biden campaign battleground states director, Dan Kanninen, confirmed just that in a recent interview.

“We feel strongly the Biden-Harris coalition in both Minnesota and Virginia, which has been strong in the midterms and off-year elections, will continue to be strong for us in the fall of 2024,” Kanninen said.

Kanninen also said that the Biden administration does not “see polls that are six or seven months out from a general election, head-to-head numbers certainly, as any more predictive than a weather report is six or seven months out.”

Clearly, someone is wrong, here!

Only time will tell if the someone who is wrong is Biden or Trump.

Trump is clearly taking Minnesota very seriously, even putting out what some may consider a threat. The former president promised that if he loses in Minnesota he is “never coming back.”

So, who do you think will emerge victorious from the great state of Minnesota?

Let us know in the comments below.

To read more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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