June 30, 2024

Trump goes after Michelle Obama after Biden's disastrous debate

Joe Biden's debate performance was REALLY bad.

How bad was it?

Democrats are ALREADY looking for replacements for the old man.

Joe Biden's debate performance was VERY BAD.

How bad was it?

Donald Trump is already looking past Joe Biden and attacking Michelle Obama with the assumption that she might actually be the person he ends up facing this November.

I'll agree that Trump has made a lot of unbelievable claims in his day.

We know he was lying on stage when he said he didn't have sex with a porn star.

We know he didn't get our border wall built to the extent he promised he would, and he definitely did NOT send the bill to Mexico.

We know that he wasn't even present for at least some of the rounds in the golf championships he claims to have won.

However, Donald Trump's assumption that Joe Biden needs to go is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Trump is NOT exaggerating or stretching the truth on this one, and anyone who watched America's first presidential debate on June 27 knows that Joe simply can't continue.

As a result, Trump may have already turned his attention to Michelle Obama, with the probably correct assumption that it's safe to look past Biden at this point.

"They polled everybody," the former president said when he was asked if there might be a replacement for Joe that could beat him. "They polled Michelle Obama, she polls very badly. No, she polls terribly."

Donald Trump may be a bit of an unconventional politician, but there's no arguing that he's a smart one. You don't get to be America's 45th President by accident. When he is saying that Joe Biden is already being counted out, you would be wise to believe him.

Unfortunately for Democrats, they have exactly ZERO people on the sideline that could beat Donald Trump right now.

And Trump knows it.

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