February 14, 2024

Trump Endorses New RNC Chair Whatley, Lara Trump as Co-Chair in Major Shakeup

Former President Donald Trump is expected to endorse North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley as the potential successor to Ronna McDaniel in leading the Republican National Committee (RNC), Politico reports, citing a Republican insider familiar with the matter.

In addition to endorsing Whatley, Trump is anticipated to throw his support behind his daughter-in-law Lara Trump for the position of RNC co-chairwoman.

Trump also intends to advocate for Chris LaCivita to assume the role of chief operating officer of the RNC, as disclosed by an anonymous GOP operative authorized to speak candidly.

LaCivita is slated to continue serving as the co-campaign manager for the Trump campaign concurrently. These personnel adjustments would take effect upon the appointment of the new RNC Chair.

However, Trump's endorsement does not guarantee the appointment of Whatley and Lara Trump to their respective positions.

In the event of McDaniel stepping down, which is expected after the South Carolina primary on Feb. 24, the committee will need to conduct a vote among its members.

It is widely anticipated that party members will align with Trump's preferences for the leadership roles.

In his prospective role, LaCivita would divide his time between Trump's headquarters in Palm Beach, Florida, and the RNC offices in Washington, D.C.

Having previously served as the executive director of the Virginia GOP and having consulted with the RNC during the 2016 election, LaCivita aims to direct the committee's efforts toward battleground states.

Trump's team intends to integrate the RNC with his campaign to a greater extent than in previous elections.

Unlike in 2016 and 2020, where there were notable distinctions between Trump's team and the party committee, this time, Trump's team aims to minimize the divide between the two entities, seeking closer alignment in their strategies and operations.

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