March 4, 2024

Trump Endorses Mark Robinson in North Carolina Governor’s Race

There is a new member of MAGA and it is about to send the Democrat Party into a tizzy.

Donald Trump has endorsed North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson in the gubernatorial race.

Trump did so in a manner that outraged liberals, so Robinson better dig in for a very controversial race.

Martin Luther King on Steroids

Robinson is the first African American to hold the Lt. Governor position in North Carolina.

One would think black Americans would be happy for him, but Robinson checked an R on his party affiliation instead of a D, so he is now a target.

Trump did not make that any easier on him in endorsing Robinson in the race, comparing him to Martin Luther King Jr.

Trump explained that Robinson was not sure how to take Trump’s endorsement, stating, “I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two.

“You should like it.”

Robinson responded to the endorsement, saying that he was “humbled” and that he looked forward to having Donald Trump "lead our united Republican ticket to victory in November, and get our state and country back on track.”

Only, the Republican ticket is not united, far from it.

Trump’s attacks against DeSantis have created a fracture in the party, made wider by his surrogates on social media who told DeSantis supporters they were not needed to win this election.

Trump continues to call DeSantis names during events, so DeSantis supporters are refusing to unite with Trump, with my expectation being that you will see more votes for down-ballot elections than you will see in the presidential race.

For Robinson, who has made some controversial statements in the past himself, I hope he is ready for the scrutiny that will come with that endorsement.

He is going to be called a race traitor, Uncle Tom, and just about every other disgusting name you can think of during this election by Democrats and liberals.

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