March 18, 2024

Trump Draws Fire from Fellow Republicans Over Pardon for J6 Defendants

This is a sore subject for many people, and it will only get worse as we approach the election.

Donald Trump has dug in on the idea of pardoning January 6 defendants.

He is losing the support of some Republicans over this matter, but it could cost him a lot more if he goes through with the promise.

Just Not a Good Idea

So, Trump is already facing calls to have him removed from the ballot via Section III of the 14th Amendment.

That has been shot down by the Supreme Court, stating that in order for this to happen, it must be an act of Congress.

If Trump pardons the January 6 defendants, he would likely face impeachment, and there is surely enough support between Never-Trumpers in the GOP and Democrats to make that happen.

The moment he issues a pardon for anyone convicted of sedition, he would be considered to be giving aid and comfort to an insurrectionist, thereby activating the 14th Amendment.

There are numerous members of the GOP in office and out that would hang Trump over this, and do it without even thinking about it.

For instance, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) stated, “I do not think it’s appropriate. We’re a nation of laws and those folks were convicted.

“If you plead guilty, i.e., obviously, you’re not a patriot. You’re somebody who committed a criminal act.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence added, “It’s very unfortunate in a time when there are American hostages being held in Gaza, that the President or any other leaders would refer to people that are moving through our justice system as hostages — it’s just unacceptable.”

There are even Trump advocates that would have trouble not calling out Trump for this, which would include the likes of Senator Lyndsey Graham (R-S.C.), who once stated, “Pardons are given to people who admit misconduct, rehabilitate themselves. They’re not supposed to be used for other purposes.”

Graham later added, “It reinforces violence. The people who defiled the Capitol and took the law in their own hands deserve to be brought to justice.”

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), another Trump supporter in the Senate, added, “I don’t think potential candidates should hold pardons out as a promise.

“It’s somewhat problematic for me on a moral level and an ethical level — sort of like promising other giveaways to particular individuals.

Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) also chimed in, “If he were elected, he would have a constitutional ability to do it.

“I would disagree with it. I think there was insurrection and I think these folks need to be punished.

“I was there. This was truly violent. People were injured, people were killed. I have very little mercy for the individuals that were involved in that activity that day.”

Even Senator Hawley (R-MO) has been adamant that Trump should not offer blanket pardons on this, so that is not a good sign when you consider how much Hawley has exposed regarding the “massive prosecutorial effort” by this DOJ against more than 1,000 of the people that were at the rally turned riot that day.

If Trump wins the White House and the GOP loses the House and cannot take back the Senate, it is a virtual lock that Trump would be impeached for this.

Now, I am not saying that some of those individuals were not overcharged, but I am saying that right or wrong, if Trump holds true to that promise, he will not be living in the White House very long.

Maybe Trump is just saying this to get votes, I have no idea, but if I were advising him, I would tell him to shut this narrative down immediately or he will have the shortest term of any president in history.

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