February 9, 2024

Trump Demands DOJ Drop Charges After Biden Classified Documents Report

The Special Counsel report on Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents is a problem for Democrats on multiple fronts.

I have already posted reports regarding how this will impact Joe Biden in terms of the 25th Amendment, but now I want to discuss how it could impact the Trump case.

To that point, Trump has requested the DOJ drop all charges based on the Biden report, and he has a case here.

Dismiss the Charges

In the report, the Special Counsel noted that Biden “willfully” retained and shared classified information, including when he was a private citizen.

Some of the reports were in regard to military policy and Afghanistan.

The report concluded that criminal charges would not be filed, in part, because of how Biden presented himself as an elderly man with a poor memory.

The special counsel decided that it would be tough to get a jury to convict Biden on this premise.

The report also stated that Biden cooperated throughout the investigation, and that is where we want to compare the case to Trump’s.

The indictment against Trump regarding classified information contains a lot of the same elements as the Biden investigation, so it is very reasonable to wonder why Trump was being charged and Biden was not.

One could easily make the case that all things being equal, Trump should have only been charged with obstruction of justice.

To that point, Trump stated, "They should immediately drop the case against me.

"I am covered by the Presidential Records Act — he wasn't. He had many, many times more documents — totally unguarded. Mine were always surrounded by Secret Service and in locked rooms."

Trump is accurate on that account, as the pictures in the report showed how careless Biden was in storing the records, which were out in the open in his garage for anyone in the house to see.

My final question would be that if Biden is not mentally capable of standing trial, how in the world is he capable of being the president of the United States?

That should be the attack that Trump and his campaign focus on during this election. Trump should beg Republicans not to press the 25th Amendment, or at least not make so much noise regarding pressuring Biden’s cabinet to act on it.

Just remind the American people that during this investigation, Biden could not recall when he was vice president. Hammer it home, then allow Trump to attack these points during a debate with Biden.

Biden is the best chance Donald Trump has at winning this election, so let’s not be so quick to send the man to the nursing home just yet.

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