June 27, 2024

Trump currently leading Biden in Nevada

Nevada hasn't voted for a Republican president in a long time, going all the way back to 2004.

But don't tell Donald Trump that.

A recent AARP survey found that Nevada voters over 50 are backing former President Trump by double digits.

Not only was Donald Trump CRUSHING Biden when it comes to voters over 50, but that momentum also applied to ALL voters.

Donald Trump is currently leading the overall poll in the state by a score of 48% compared to Biden's 45% of Nevada voters who would pick him if the choice had to be made today.

Additionally, many people have been worried about what the inclusion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the presidential election could mean for Donald Trump.

In Nevada, RFK's inclusion actually helps Donald Trump.

When RFK is given as an option, Trump's lead in Nevada grows to a more comfortable seven points.

According to Fox News, the only silver lining for Biden in this poll is that he might not be doing as bad with Hispanic voters as America's been thinking.

Despite Donald Trump gaining Hispanic voters in record numbers, he's still trailing Biden in that department, at least in Nevada. Hispanic voters over 50 in Nevada prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump by a margin of 51% to 41%.

Regardless of what actually happens in the November election, it's very clear that Donald Trump has some momentum where conservatives have been struggling for a really long time.

Whether Donald Trump can turn this positive momentum into a positive result remains to be seen.

If America's liberals keep sullying their reputations by using dishonest tricks in their witch hunt against Donald Trump, then we could see these leads for Republicans grow even more in the near future.

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