February 12, 2024

Trump Court Denial Could Work in His Favor

Donald Trump has had what are deemed to be considerable setbacks in his quest to have presidential immunity to exonerate him from any perceived crimes for January 6.

Michael Conway, who served as counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment inquiry, believes this could actually work out to benefit Trump.

From his perspective, this could delay the case just long enough to get past the general election.

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One of the tactics I have said that Trump’s attorneys would use from the outset was filing motions at the last minute and pushing for delays as much as possible.

The idea behind this is that if Trump can delay the cases until after the general election, and he wins, they are likely not to take place at all.

If Trump wins, he will appoint an Attorney General that would wind up dismissing the charges.

I believe that would open up Trump to another possible impeachment, but I doubt he is even worried about that.

Conway seems to be thinking along the same lines.

Conway wrote, “The Circuit Court of Appeals in DC took 28 days since hearing oral argument to issue its unanimous decision rejecting Trump’s immunity claim, a timeframe that could have been much shorter if the court had acted faster.

“Now, when combined with the methods Trump can employ to further appeal the case, dragging the proceedings out past the fall is highly likely. (Trump has denied any wrongdoing.)”

He goes on to say that he believes that Trump’s greatest chance of success will be in taking his appeals before the Supreme Court.

And, while I agree that will be Trump’s greatest possible chance to win, I am not so sure that will happen based on past rulings by the court.

Even Justice Roberts has stated that presidents do not have complete immunity from prosecution.

That immunity extends only as far as the official duties of the president, and thus far, no court has agreed that Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6 was part of his presidential duties but rather the act of a candidate trying to reverse the election results.

However, even if Trump were to lose a case before the Supreme Court on the matter, by the time that opinion was published, it would likely have set the trial back far enough that there is no way the ruling could come down before election day… which is all Trump needs to win, or at the very least to have the verdict not influence the election.

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