January 12, 2024

Trump Confirms He Knows Who His VP Is Going to Be

During Donald Trump’s recent Town Hall on Fox News, the former president did not give a name, but he did drop a bit of a bombshell in terms of his presidential ticket if he wins the nomination.

Trump was asked if he planned on mending the fences with the other candidates in the race once it’s over.

Trump said he was open to that, as well as noting that he already knows who his VP offer will go out to.

He Knows…

Martha MacCallum asked Trump who was in contention to be his running mate.

Trump responded, “Well I can’t tell you that really. I mean, I know who it’s going to be.”

Trump is and has been the dominant front-runner throughout this campaign cycle, but things are starting to tighten up in the race.

After former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie dropped out, Nikki Haley enjoyed a 10-point surge in New Hampshire, putting her within striking distance of Trump.

And while Ron DeSantis is considerably behind Trump in Iowa, now actually trailing Nikki Haley, there is a feeling out there that DeSantis is going to pull off a shock performance in Iowa.

If the surprise upset does not take place and DeSantis finishes in third, I would expect him to drop out of the race after Iowa, but surely before they get to South Carolina.

I know it is only a week away, but a week can be an eternity in an election, so I am not writing off DeSantis just yet.

While the other candidates are sending in surrogates to campaign, having virtual events, or outright canceling events, DeSantis has been on the group shaking hands and meeting people for most of the last month.

He is the only candidate to put boots on the ground in every county, and that has to mean something to voters.

In a week’s time, we will know if it has paid off, as I expect a much clearer picture of the election as soon as we finish counting votes in Iowa.

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