December 23, 2023

Trump classified documents case deadline set ahead of trial

In the case involving the classified records allegedly unlawfully retained by former President Donald Trump, United States District Judge Aileen Cannon has decided on a crucial deadline.

The judge granted a request made by Special Counsel Jack Smith on Friday to mandate that jury questionnaires be prepared jointly in advance of the trial in 2024, as the Washington Examiner reported.

Cannon issued an order that required the legal team representing Trump and the special counsel to "meaningfully confer and file a joint jury questionnaire for the Court's consideration, clearly denoting any areas of agreement and disagreement" by the 28th of February.

The trial is scheduled to commence on May 20, 2024.

Smith's Argument

Smith's office said in its court filing on Tuesday that such preparation is necessary.

The move was important, "Because the pre-trial publicity surrounding this case is substantial," according to the prosecutor.

This argument was included in the filing that requested the action.

"The Government recommends a thorough jury selection process, including a written questionnaire completed by potential jurors before in-person voir dire," according to the paperwork.

Trump Team Request

In light of the fact that Trump's legal team has been attempting to postpone the trial until after the 2024 election, the move that was made on Friday represents a minor victory for Smith.

The deadline that was established by Cannon is later than the date of Feb. 2, 2024 that was sought by the special counsel, despite the fact that the move appears to suit Smith's goal.

For the purpose of responding to Smith's request, the legal team representing Trump in this case submitted a six-page document in which it referred to such actions as "premature."

"Moreover, in addition to wasting the Court’s resources, this type of litigation detracts from the defendants’ efforts to review voluminous discovery and prepare motions that are crucial to the defense," the attorneys for Trump claimed.

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