January 10, 2024

Trump Claims Ted Kennedy Told Him Biden Was ‘Dumbest’ Senator

You know Trump is in full campaign mode when the name-calling starts, and boy has it started.

Trump has started to lash out at his opponents and even took a few shots at Joe Biden during a recent interview with Breitbart News.

Trump is now claiming that he had a conversation with then-Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), who had some unkind things to say about Joe Biden.

He’s Dumb

As I have stated in previous reports, anyone who has ever been around Joe Biden in person for any period of time knows that the man has a temper.

I have seen it firsthand, with Joe Biden snapping at people when the cameras are not around, yet he has somehow earned a reputation as a kind uncle or grandfather figure.

To that point, Trump stated, "He’s surrounded by vicious people, radical left people, and people that are ultimately going to destroy him. They give no quarter. They’re willing to do anything like weaponize the Justice Department and the FBI and all of those things can come back to hurt Joe and them and everybody else ultimately.

“There’s a level of viciousness that you don’t see. Joe Biden is a very vicious guy. He’s not a smart guy—not smart at all. All you have to do is look at his academic credentials. But he’s a very vicious guy.”

This coming from a man who has tried to destroy Governor Ron DeSantis’ reputation solely because he believes DeSantis never should have run for president while Trump wanted to run, but I digress.

Trump continued on regarding conversations he had with Kennedy, eventually asking him who the dumbest member of the Senate was.

According to Trump, “He said ‘probably Joe.’ I said ‘who’s Joe?’ He said ‘Joe Biden.’ I said ‘why is he the dumbest?’ He said ‘it’s because he doesn’t understand concepts, he doesn’t understand policy, and he doesn’t understand anything that is complicated like taxes and various other things.’”

Trump went on about Joe Biden during the interview, eventually stating that he believes Biden is being steered by other people, adding, “Yeah, I think they are unrestrained lunatics.

“I believe they will do whatever is necessary but we’re going to win. We’re going to win. For instance, they indicted me four times and the greatest criminals on earth haven’t been indicted four times.”

I agree with Trump that Biden is not the shot caller in this administration, and I think that became quite apparent when Sec. of Defense Austin had surgery and disappeared for days without Biden having any idea where he was.

I am still baffled by the idea that our Secretary of Defense was hospitalized when the United States is supporting two wars and on the verge of re-entering the Middle East, and Biden has no idea it had happened.

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