January 24, 2024

Trump Claims Haley Would Be Under Investigation If She Wins

Donald Trump was feeling his oats after holding off the Nikki Haley surge in New Hampshire.

As soon as Trump was announced as the winner of the primary, he ran to the dais to boast of his big win.

But he also made a comment about a possible Haley investigation that got everyone’s ears up.

Watch Out

So, this was Trump after he found out he won. I want you to watch the video if you have the time, then I will break it all down…

First, let’s not forget that Trump is currently facing 91 federal charges, so he is not exactly the person who should be throwing stones.

Second, what exactly is it that he has on Haley and claims to have on DeSantis that would open them up to investigation?

Third, I cannot help but laugh at Trump calling Vivek Ramaswamy “perfect” after only days before telling his supporters that Vivek is a “fraud” and “not MAGA.”

Trump made these comments before Iowa, then Ramaswamy dropped out and endorsed Trump, so now they are the best of friends, with Ramaswamy joining Trump on the campaign trail and vowing to help him win the White House.

The one person I doubt you will see campaigning for Trump is Ron DeSantis, who endorsed Trump but made it clear he only did so because of a loyalty pledge that he had signed.

When state officials in the GOP tried to push legislation that would have Florida help pay Trump’s legal bills, DeSantis immediately stated that he would veto the bill, refusing to allow his taxpayers to foot the bill for Trump’s legal problems.

I am not saying the relationship between DeSantis and Trump cannot be fixed, but it seems pretty clear to me that the things Trump’s campaign claimed about DeSantis and his wife cut deep, so don’t expect a love fest anytime soon.

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