October 10, 2023

Trump Claims $6 Billion ‘Ransom’ Responsible for Hamas Attack on Israel

The attack against Israel has fingers pointing everywhere right now.

However, most of those fingers are pointing to the $6 billion that was authorized to be freed up by the Biden administration.

One of those fingers came from Donald Trump, who directly blamed that money and Joe Biden for the attack.

Trump Goes Off

Trump offered up three reasons why this attack happened.

He stated, “This war happened for three reasons: the allowing by the Biden administration of Iran to sell massive amounts of oil and making $60 billion; the United States giving Iran $6 billion dollars ransom; and our country’s perceived weakness with an incompetent and corrupt leader, Joe Biden, who’s laughed at all over the world.”

The Biden administration has countered that the $6 billion is not directly accessible by Iran.

The money can only be released to authorized vendors for humanitarian purposes.

That all sounds great, but it operates on the premise that Iran will not threaten one of these vendors to pull out money and turn it over to them. I don’t have nearly as much confidence as Democrats do on that front.

Let me just add a quote from Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in September after that deal was struck.

He stated, “This money belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money.”

When confronted on the idea that the money was earmarked for humanitarian purposes only, he added, “Humanitarian means whatever the Iranian people need, so this money will be budgeted for those needs, and the needs of the Iranian people will be decided and determined by the Iranian government.”

I would also add one more thing to Donald Trump’s list.

He seems to have forgotten about the stacks of cash that Obama sent back to Iran for his nuclear deal in 2016. I believe that was $1.7 billion.

Trump vowed that this all changes immediately if he is back in the White House.

He stated, “We will cut off the money to Palestinian terrorists on day one. And we will re-impose the travel ban on terror-afflicted countries so that the bloodshed and killing we saw this week will never reach American soil.”

This war just became the hot-button topic of the 2024 election and Joe Biden literally has no defense here.

He can defend the $6 billion, and members of the liberal horde will buy into that defense, but I doubt moderates will do the same.

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