October 22, 2023

Trump campaign spot slams Hillary Clinton, accuses her of brainwashing electorate

Former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's disdain for anyone who does not support her has never been a secret, and a new ad from the Trump campaign takes full advantage of her haughty viewpoint by accusing her of attempting to “brainwash” the electorate, as The Hill reports.

Though the spot, which appeared on former President Donald Trump's Truth Social account, is meant to take aim at his likely 2024 rival, President Joe Biden, it is Clinton who takes the brunt of its criticism.

Using Clinton's own words against her

In Trump's new clip, viewers see a portion of Clinton's controversial recent sit-down with Christiane Amanpour of CNN.

The interview raised eyebrows due to the fact that in it, Clinton suggested that adherents to Trump's “Make America Great Again” philosophy – commonly referred to as MAGA – were “cult members” in need of “formal deprogramming.”

After she called for conservatives to undergo said deprogramming, Clinton added, “And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”

“He's only in it for himself,” Clinton opined.

Trump's ad spot makes effective use of Clinton's decision to interject herself into the fray in such an incendiary manner, employing gripping imagery to make its point.

Viewers see voters queueing up to undergo brainwashing, blindfolded, as clips run of Clinton lavishing praise on Biden's record to date as well as floating the aforementioned concept of deprogramming.

Taking the fight to Biden

The ad also set its critical sights on “Bidenomics,” with a narrator's voice declaring of the president's much-touted economic priorities, “But there's one small problem. Working Americans aren't idiots.”

“And they know who's on their side,” the ad went on.

From there, the spot transitions to footage of Trump addressing a rally crowd about the state of the economy and vowing to initiate a course correction if elected in 2024.

“To American workers watching their take home pay stink and watching inflation destroy their family and their lives, to all of you, I have your back,” Trump said, and that is a message that may resonate with even larger portions of the electorate the closer the country gets to next November.

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