March 31, 2024

Trump campaign demands WH apology for proclaiming Easter as 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

In keeping with his habit of showing fealty to the most radical elements within his party, President Joe Biden declared March 31 -- Easter Sunday -- as “Transgender Day of Visibility,” as Fox News reports.

Backlash to Biden's proclamation has been swift and sure, however, and as Breitbart notes, the campaign of former President Donald Trump is demanding that the White House issue an apology to the nation for what it referred to as “appalling and insulting” behavior toward those of the Christian faith.

Biden's proclamation

In an official statement issued last week, Biden designated Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility” as a way to “honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation's commitment to forming a more perfect Union – where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.”

Biden's statement went on to say, “I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect.”

“I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military,” the president went on.

The commander in chief further declared, “Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation. Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive,” and in declaring March 31 “Transgender Day of Visibility,” he called upon all Americans “to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people....”

Trump camp weighs in

Karoline Leavitt, a Trump campaign spokeswoman, took aim at Biden's proclamation, outlining what she believes was the blatant affront to Christianity it -- and new regulations related to the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll -- represented.

“It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden's White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event and declared Easter Sunday as “Trans Day of Visibility,” she stated.

Leavitt went on, “Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration's years-long assault on the Christian faith.”

“We call on Joe Biden's failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only – the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” she said on Saturday.

Among those in agreement with Leavitt's take was Fox News contributor Lisa Booth, who said of Biden's declared commemoration, “It's a random day created by a random person out of Michigan. No president has even marked it as any, you know, any sort of proclamation until 2021.”

“They could have observed it on any other day. Biden chose to observe it on Easter. I think it was with intention. It's a thumb in the face of Christians and Easter,” Booth added, giving voice to a sentiment of outrage shared by millions of believers across the country.

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