January 8, 2024

Trump Calls on Biden to Fire Lloyd Austin After Recent Conduct

Former President Donald Trump took to his Truth Social account on Sunday, publicly demanding President Joe Biden oust Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin due to the delayed revelation of Austin's hospitalization.

Trump's decree accused Austin of "improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty," asserting that the Defense Secretary had been missing for a week without anyone, including Biden, being informed of his whereabouts.

In his statement, Trump not only called for Austin's immediate firing but also targeted "General" Mark Milley, citing various reasons, with particular emphasis on what he dubbed the "catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan."

Trump labeled the Afghanistan withdrawal as "perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our Country."

This call for dismissal comes in the wake of revelations about Austin's undisclosed hospitalization, which created a stir in Washington.

The former Defense Secretary had been admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit for several days, raising questions about transparency and decision-making within the Biden administration, especially given the heightened tensions in the Middle East.

As the controversy unfolded, the Pentagon's decision to keep the reason for Austin's hospitalization private added to the confusion.

Austin, in a statement issued on Saturday, acknowledged the need for improved communication but underscored the private nature of his medical procedure.

Despite taking responsibility for the decisions around disclosure, he committed to doing better in ensuring the public was appropriately informed.

This public spat highlights ongoing tensions between Trump and members of the current administration, further underscoring the challenges faced by the Biden administration in managing both domestic and international affairs.

Austin and Biden both have tough questions to answer as the details unfold in the latest medical issue that could jeopardize Austin's job and serve as a threat to Biden's reelection campaign.

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