January 12, 2024

Trump Blames Legal Woes on Dems as ‘New form of cheating’

Donald Trump is back to playing the victim again, and it is not a good look on a man who tries to put up a tough guy persona in most cases.

Trump held a presser after closing arguments wrapped up in the New York fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James.

Trump insisted that he “did nothing wrong,” and that this prosecution is the “new form of cheating” for the Democrat Party.

They’re Out to Get Me

I don’t think playing the victim card is good for anyone, let alone someone like Trump, who plays off the tough-guy persona.

This has been a steady narrative, however, ever since all these legal suits were filed against Trump.

While it does not appeal to me, voters are clearly going for it, as Trump has opened up a monstrous lead in national polling and even has a gap between himself and Biden in national polling for the primary election.

After leaving the courtroom, Trump stated, "My legal issues, every one of them, every one — civil and criminal ones — are all set up by Joe Biden. Crooked Joe Biden.

"This is something that’s never happened in this country, even when you look at this, this is all about Biden."

Regarding the fraud trail in New York, Trump added, "This should never have happened. But again, this is sponsored by the Democrats."

Trump also hammered the narrative that these cases are all election interference, working the narrative that since he is running for president, none of these cases should have been permitted to proceed.

He stated, "They’re doing it for election interference, and, in a way, I guess you’d consider it part of the campaign, because if you really look at it, they are doing this, and it's never been done like this in this country. It’s like we are a Third World country — a banana republic.”

If this was the Democrat strategy, so far, it has backfired immensely, as Trump seems to get stronger with every new allegation.

That all changes rather dramatically if Trump gets convicted of a felony, as most polling shows him losing anywhere from 30 to 50% of his support in that scenario.

For now, however, Trump is the clear frontrunner, just waiting for Iowa to kick off the fun next week.

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