October 29, 2023

Trump: Biden Caused The Attack On Israel

Former President Donald Trump recently made a discovery.

He figured out who caused the attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists.

Sure, the terrorists were actually the ones who carried out the onslaught, but who from the first world let it happen?

Trump knows, and he just told us:


You read it here first. Well, maybe second after hearing Trump say it.

"Joe Biden’s weakness caused the attack on Israel," Trump said. "Everywhere he goes, Biden’s weakness provokes war and death—because as history shows, evil only respects one thing: unyielding strength."

"Three weeks ago, our world was shattered by an attack on Israel," Trump continued. "To every Israeli and every American touched by these barbaric atrocities: We love you — you have to understand that — we love you, we grieve with you, we share your anger, and we stand with you … 110 percent."

"The conflict between Israel and Hamas is not a conflict between two equal sides. This is a fight between civilization and savagery, between decency and depravity, and between good and evil. There is no comparison between a group that worships death and a group that cherishes life and cherishes our nation. Every single life that is lost in this conflict is on the shoulders of Hamas, Hamas alone — and I think you really have to add in the word 'Iran.' There can be no sympathy, no excuses, and no escape for these monsters. And we will do what has to be done," Trump added.

He dropped the big bomb next.

The Americans that are dead?

Their blood is on Joe Biden's hands.

"Joe Biden’s feeble first act … after more than 1,400 innocents, including over 40 Americans, were murdered or kidnapped … and think of this, we immediately announced that we would be sending $100 million dollars into Gaza … they take 100%," Trump declared.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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