May 26, 2024

Trump audience demands AOC 'Stay Out of the Bronx'

Democratic New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) just got a BIG message.

After AOC recently had very unkind things to say about the rally, including calling the rally a “trick” and even accusing those present at the rally of being “out-of-towners,” it backfired on her.

Now, former President Donald Trump is likely grinning ear to ear over what happened during pro-Trump rally in the Bronx.

Those present at the rally had one thing to say about AOC – they are FED UP with her!

“Let her come to the Bronx, and let her come among us people that struggle. She doesn't even know what struggle is,” one woman said.

That same woman who was unidentified even said AOC has “done nothing” to help the people in the community.

That woman was not alone in her feelings about AOC.

“You need to tell her that she needs to stay out of the Bronx because look at all the people around. Everybody’s here for Trump,” another unidentified man said.

Trump is one of those that has seen what the people living in the Bronx are going through and has been vocal about what President Joe Biden is putting them through.

“Biden is not getting the job done for the Bronx. The minute crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world,” Trump said in a previous statement.

Maybe if AOC spent less time worrying about her own salary and more on the reason she is being paid in the first place, things would get better.

The fact that AOC was so deaf to the notion that ANYONE in the Bronx could be a Trump supporter speaks volumes to the delusion she lives in every single day.

Hopefully the statements from the pro-Trump rally left AOC thinking about her previous statements.

For more information about this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

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