February 13, 2024

Trump Attorneys File to Supreme Court to Stay Immunity Ruling in J6 Case

Donald Trump’s attorneys are at it again.

Trump’s legal team has filed a motion with the Supreme Court to stay a ruling in the lower court that he is not immune from prosecution.

This is all part of the greater scheme to bring these prosecutions to a screeching halt to try to delay the cases until after the general election.

We Want a Stay

Every setback that the Trump legal team can deal to these federal cases gets him one day closer to not having a possible guilty verdict impact Trump’s general election chances.

Trump is fully aware of how his polling goes into the tank with a guilty verdict, so it is imperative that he is able to drag these cases out as long as possible to prevent them from influencing voters.

In the filing, Trump’s attorneys actually mention the fact that Special Counsel Jack Smith wanted to expedite this matter before the Supreme Court, which the court declined to do.

Smith knew the case would ultimately wind up before the court, but Trump wanted to drag this out, so his legal team fought against the issue going before the Supreme Court before he had the opportunity to exhaust all other legal solutions.

Trump’s team is now asking the Supreme Court to stay the last ruling that would allow Trump to be prosecuted, once against pitching the narrative that Trump’s actions related to January 6 were part of his presidential duties.

His legal team wrote, “The panel opinion below, like the district court, concludes that Presidential immunity from prosecution for official acts does not exist at all. This is a stunning breach of precedent and historical norms.

“In 234 years of American history, no President was ever prosecuted for his official acts. Nor should they be.”

So, again, the court will be tasked with deciding if Trump’s rally, words, and actions that day were part of his presidential duties to protect the outcome of an election or if they were the acts of a presidential candidate who felt slighted.

There are precedents, including rulings by the Supreme Court, that state that presidents do not have absolute immunity and the actions for which they have immunity are only related to official acts as a president.

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