February 13, 2024

Trump Announces RNC Leadership Endorsements

We have been asking for leadership change for the Republican National Committee (RNC) since the outcome of the 2020 election.

Those calls were renewed after the 2022 and 2023 election cycle, but Donald Trump, to that point, held firm that Ronna McDaniel was the right person for the job.

That just all changed, with Trump endorsing his picks for leadership at the RNC.

Change of Heart

Donald Trump helped install Ronna McDaniel as the chair of the RNC after the 2016 election, endorsing her based on how she helped him as the chair of Michigan’s Republican Party.

He endorsed her again when her term came up for re-election, and while Trump did not endorse her in the last election, he expressed his support for McDaniel after she was re-elected to the chair again.

This all happened while voters expressed their frustration and were literally begging our elected officials for change atop party leadership.

Now, after a scathing report surfaced regarding RNC’s finances, Donald Trump met with McDaniel and has endorsed new leadership.

Trump has expressed his support for Michael Whatley, who now serves as the North Carolina Republican Party Chair.

He has also recommended that his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, be named the co-chair.

Donald Trump would also like to see his co-campaign manager, Chris LaCivita as the CEO of the RNC.

Now, I am all for change, but this is treading into very dangerous waters, so hear me out.

It is no secret that the RNC, Trump PACs, and Trump’s campaign are footing the bill for Donald Trump’s legal cases.

Installing these particular individuals into leadership within the RNC will promote a Donald Trump-first attitude, putting the rest of the Republican candidates at risk.

The job of the RNC is to stay neutral in all races until a candidate has been chosen, then to do everything possible to ensure that candidate gets elected.

If Whatley, Lara Trump, and LaCivita are given the keys to the RNC, for all intents and purposes, it will be Donald Trump running the RNC, dispending funds as he sees fit, and backing his candidates in primaries as well as only backing candidates he prefers in general election races.

If that is your preference for the RNC, then, by all means, back these selections.

But, if you want the RNC to back the entire party and help swing Congress back in favor of conservatives in both chambers, think twice about backing this approach to the change in leadership atop the RNC.

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