March 9, 2024

Trump Already Surrounding Himself With The People He Wants

Former President Donald Trump has TAKEN OVER.

His long list of supporters grows every single day and is now at an all-time high.

Instead of just one RNC chair who supports the former president, there are now two.

Former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel stepped down and moved aside to make way for two brand new elected co-chairs,

The former president's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, has been elected as RNC co-chair alongside Michael Whatley.

Whatley just confirmed everything we need to know about where the RNC stands when it comes to Trump.

“Over the next eight months, the RNC will work hand in glove with President Trump,” Whatley said.

Lara Trump said that “we have one goal. The goal on November 5th is to win. And as my father-in-law says, bigly.”

With so many supporters rallying around Trump this year, it is definitely a gamble for all parties involved.

If Donald Trump wins the election, Trump haters like Ron DeSantis may as well kiss any chance at moving up in the political world goodbye forever.

On the other hand, if Trump loses, the number of lawmakers who aligned with him and are voted out as a result could be high.

RNC member Chris Ager gave his two cents on the election of Whatley and Lara Trump in a recent Fox News interview.

“The people at the RNC know and like Mike Whatley, so he’s a good choice and Lara Trump is a trusted adviser to the president, so why not give him the tools he needs to get the job done. If he trusts those people, let’s give him what he needs to get that win in November,” he said.

At this point, all we can do is wait to see how this will all pan out.

Either way, some will come out winners, and some will not.

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