October 28, 2023

Trespasser Arrested At RFK Jr's Home Twice In One Day

A young man trespassed on the property of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy on the morning of Oct. 25.

He was arrested.


Once is certainly enough, and politicians are probably completely used to weirdos doing stuff like that to them.

Enjoy fame for long enough, and your weirdest fans are bound to show themselves at some point or another.

But twice in a day?

That's getting really scary.

That's not just a fan who went off their meds once or had a single lapse in judgement.

That's entering the realm of crazy.

"Yesterday an intruder climbed the fence at my home and was arrested," Kennedy told the public.

Then came the disturbing part:

After being released from police custody later in the day, he immediately returned to my home and was arrested again.

That's not an accident, that's determination.

RFK Jr. was right to be worried.

Jonathan Macht, 28, was arrested between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

After being arrested once, and despite an emergency order of protection on RFK's behalf, Macht was back on the property that evening.

Macht was arrested again at around 6:30 in the evening.

Assuming a crazed lunatic isn't able to get him before them, RFK Jr. appears to be one of the individuals who will be trying to become America's president in the fall of 2024.

RFK Jr. will be running as an independent after identifying as a Democrat for many years.

The reason for that is the fact that Kennedy doesn't think the Democratic Party is going to give him a fair shot to get by Joe Biden, so he's running on his own.

Assuming Trump wins the Republican nomination, the main players going at it in 2024 will presumably be Democrat Joe Biden, Republican Donald Trump, Independent RFK Jr., and possibly progressive activist Cornel West.

Who do you think will win?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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