June 3, 2024

Top Democrat Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

One of the more prominent faces of the Democrat Party dropped a health bombshell this week.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

She added that she will be missing sessions in the future for her treatments.

Cancer Diagnosis

Jackson Lee has had controversy follow her around virtually her entire career.

In fact, her Houston mayoral campaign was derailed after audio was leaked of Jackson Lee berating a staff member.

Among other insults levied, she called staffers “fat-a$$ stupid idiot,” “f**k ups,” and stated that “nobody knows a goddamn thing in my office.”

After the audio was released, Jackson Lee tried to save her campaign, stating, “I want to convey to the people of Houston that I strongly believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that includes my own staff.

“I know that I am not perfect. I recognize that in my zeal to do everything possible to deliver for my constituents I have in the past fallen short of my own standards and there is no excuse for that.”

She tried to blame that on Republicans if you can believe that, but voters clearly saw through her charade.

Then on Sunday night, Jackson Lee announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer, adding that she “will be occasionally absent from Congress” to receive her treatments.

Regarding her diagnosis, she added, "I am confident that my doctors have developed the best possible plan to target my specific disease. The road ahead will not be easy, but I stand in faith that God will strengthen me."

Even though Lee lost her mayoral campaign, she did win her primary election for the House seat, and with Houston about as blue as it gets, sadly, she will wind up being re-elected to office.

Jackson Lee currently serves on the House Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Budget committees.

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