November 9, 2024

Tim Walz says he doesn't understand why voters rejected Democrats

It sounds like Gov. Tim Walz is having a hard time accepting his and Vice President Kamala Harris’ defeat!

In his post-election speech, Walz wondered aloud how on earth Harris and he could have lost the election before also throwing some serious punches at Donald Trump.

“It’s hard to understand why so many of our fellow citizens, people that we have fought so long and hard for, wound up choosing the other path. It’s hard to reckon with what that path looks like over the next four years,” Walz admitted in his speech.

Walz did not stop there.

According to Walz, he stood up “for our shared values and rejecting hatred and bigotry” as well as the fact that he “fought for everyone’s rights to participate fully in our democracy.”

Both comments from Walz were intended to burn Donald Trump.

Walz was far from over, going on in an attempt to scare countless Americans by claiming how terrifying Trump’s presidential term will surely be.

“I know there’s a lot of folks that are worried about the next four years and what they’re going to look like. I’m one of them. The agenda we heard from the other side in this campaign was very different from the one we know is right for our state and our country,” Walz continued.

“We’ve already seen the damage a president can cause when he’s in it for himself, not the American people. Look, we know what’s coming down the pipe. We know it because they told us, and we’re going to have to be ready to defend the progress that we’ve made here in Minnesota,” Walz also warned.

Walz ended his speech with a list of promises including a promise that “the moment they try and bring a hateful agenda in this state, I’m going to stand ready to stand up and fight for the way we do things here.”

Someone should tell Walz that the campaign is over.

After hearing Walz’ speech, it is safe to say that American made the RIGHT choice in this election!

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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