January 29, 2024

Tim Scott to Serve as Key Trump Surrogate During Campaign

Well, expect the Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for VP talk to pick up some momentum over the next few weeks.

Scott, who was once a candidate in this race, has now endorsed Trump and has been campaigning for him.

In fact, with Trump’s campaign schedule now being blocked by trial dates, it was announced that Scott will be serving as one of Trump’s primary surrogates during the campaign.

It’s Tim Scott

I have always liked Tim Scott, but I thought he jumped the gun on this campaign and needed a more visible profile on a national scale before putting his hat into this ring.

Had DeSantis won the nomination, I firmly believed that if Scott were not his VP, he would have held a very high position in his cabinet to give him a boost for 2032.

As well know now, Trump obliterated DeSantis’ campaign with attacks, which has resulted in Scott now coming over to Trump’s camp.

Because of how Trump’s numbers improve among minority voters if Trump has a black VP on the ticket, I believe that Scott is the best man for the job if he is interested.

And when you consider he is now out there campaigning for Trump, I would say he is probably interested.

Brian Seitchik, GOP strategist and Trump campaign alum, observed, “He certainly brings a lot to the table.

“He’s a substantive person. He’s very conservative, with strong ties into the African American community.”

If Scott does join Trump, he is going to have to get rid of that good-guy persona at times to answer attacks that will be levied against himself and Trump, something that Scott has not been willing to do thus far.

I can guarantee Dems will throw every racial slur and insult they can at Scott if he is on that ticket, so he is going to have to come off strong if he wants people to support him.

I will say this… out of all the possible VP candidates believed to be on the shortlist, Scott is, by far, the most capable of assuming the role of commander-in-chief if Trump has to leave office for any reason.

They just need to work on Scott being a bit more aggressive, and I think he would be a huge addition to Trump’s ticket.

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