May 20, 2024

There Are Now More ‘Never Biden’ Voters Than ‘Never Trump’ Voters

One of the biggest obstacles for Donald Trump to overcome in this election is something he failed to overcome in the 2020 election… Never Trumpers.

There were plenty of voters who voted Republican down the ballot, then either voted for Biden or just refused to vote in the presidential election.

This time around, Biden is going to have a similar problem, probably worse.

Never Biden Movement

The latest The New York Times and Siena College brought some really bad news for Joe Biden.

While the Never Trump movement is still alive and well at 46%, the Never Biden movement has surpassed Trump, surveying at 51% in key battleground states.

Those polling numbers are consistent with what we have seen in polling among minority voters, which is where Biden appears to be taking his biggest hit.

This is particularly true among black voters, where Biden has taken a massive hit, now only leading Trump 66-19%.

If we go back to the 2020 election, 87% of black voters voted for Biden, while 12% voted for Trump.

So, as you can see, Trump gained 7% in the most recent polling, but Biden lost 21%, which accounts for the high percentage of non-committed votes.

I bring this up because a lot of Trump surrogates are making it sound as though all of the minority votes leaving Biden are going to Trump, and that is just not the case.

That is still okay, however, because Trump will gain some votes while the rest of those votes are left on the sidelines.

The challenge for both sides now is to energize the “never” voters to show up on election day to vote down the ballot, and right now, I think the GOP has the edge.

This will be important to keeping the House and taking the Senate, something that Donald Trump will need very badly if he wins and expects to get anything done.

A split Congress, in my eyes, is a lost election if we expect to win again in 2028.

A Democrat House will not cooperate with a GOP Senate and White House like the current GOP House is doing with the Democrat Senate and White House.

We need all three if the next presidency is going to make any kind of a difference in this country.

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