December 31, 2023

Western Journal Says There's 'A Huge Problem for the Democrats'

The Western Journal is a conservative media outlet that has long been one of the favorite sources of news for hardcore Republicans in America because it is willing to tell you things in a way that some other media outlets seem to be avoiding.

Take a recent article that the outlet syndicated from the Associated Press.

The Western Journal wasn't shy about calling things like they are in the headline, highlighting something that is "A huge problem for the Democrats."

Even sources that are supposed to play it straight down the middle, like the Associated Press, rarely give you this kind of honesty.

That's because liberal outlets controlled by America's federal liberals will NEVER be honest with you and tell you what news actually means.

The Western Journal is NOT going to sugarcoat things to make sure that the liberal elite can continue to pull the wool over our eyes.

As a result, it is being honest and reporting things the way they are.

One of the things that it is actually reporting lately that other outlets don't seem willing to do is highlighting how big a problem an upcoming wave of legislative retirements will be for America's Democrats.

Rep. Richard Hudson, the chairman of the House Republican campaign arm, predicted a much more dire future for Democrats than liberals have been willing to admit.

"Retirements are a huge problem for the Democrats. They’re not a problem for us," Hudson said recently.

Hudson doesn't think they're a problem for Republicans, he thinks that they will be a massive benefit.

That is because many liberals are retiring, and Hudson is predicting that they will be replaced by Republicans.

Let's hope that Hudson and the Western Journal are right, and this situation DOES turn into "a huge problem for Democrats."

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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