February 18, 2024

The Entirely Plausible Way Michelle Obama Could Become Dem Nominee

According to Thomas Lifson at the American Thinker, there is a very scary and possible way that we could end up with Michelle Obama as our next president.

How might that happen, you ask?

The deep state decides it.

According to Lifson, our current government is not being run by Joe Biden, but by a "de facto deep state presidium that is actually running the Biden presidency."

This group is co-led by Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice, according to the article.

If Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris are deemed to be unable to carry out the desires of this deep state apparatus, then it would make sense for them to step aside.

It makes sense outside the back rooms of politics as well, as Michelle Obama is one of the most popular potential candidates in America right now.

Liberals love her, independents don't mind her, and Democrats would get far more Republican votes for Michelle than they would for another four years of Biden.

As a Black woman celebrity with a clean track record, Michelle Obama is the easiest type of person to get elected.

Any criticism of her can quickly be invalidated by calling it "racist" or "sexist," a luxury that Joe Biden doesn't currently enjoy. Lifson's piece explained:

It would make no sense for Biden to remove himself from the ticket in order to simply elevate Vice President Kamala Harris. The point of the whole exercise is to win. Michelle Obama is the only potential candidate who could safely replace a black woman on the Democrat ticket without causing a major political disruption inside a core Democrat voter group. Plus, Michelle is Teflon: a popular celebrity with little track record – and the guarantee that any criticism will elicit a chorus of 'racist!' and 'sexist!' accusations. She is by far the hardest candidate for Trump to beat.

With how much of an advantage Michelle entering the race would give Democrats, I don't think it's going to be safe to assume she's not going to jump in until general election votes for Biden are actually being tallied.

What do you think about this story?

Who will Democrats eventually put up against Trump?

Biden? Kamala Harris? Michelle Obama? Somebody else?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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