March 15, 2024

Texts Show CIA Deployed Assets at J6 Riot

That pesky little Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has brought a very interesting fact to light.

A FOIA request by Judicial Watch has uncovered texts that show the CIA was deploying assets on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol.

The CIA is not permitted to have domestic operations, so this could be a huge problem for the government moving forward.

Can’t Do That

One needs to look no further than the FBI website for guidance on how the CIA can operate.

It states, “The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens.

“Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons,’ a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”

Yet, according to the documents obtained in the FOIA request, the CIA had “several” teams deployed at the Capitol during the riot.

The text thread, which was tagged “January 7 Intel Chain,” shows that two CIA bomb techs had been deployed to the “pipe bomb scene on New Jersey and D ST SE.”

Another text hinted that the CIA had more assets in the area, stating that “several CIA dog teams on standby.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated, “These striking records show that CIA resources were deployed in reaction to the January 6 disturbance.”

Judicial Watch’s Director of Research and Investigations, Chris Farrell, added, “We have the same questions you do. What is a national intelligence collection agency whose mission is overseas doing operating domestically with law enforcement at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th?”

Donald Trump has been pitching a conspiracy theory about the riot since it took place, so this will surely add fire and some life to those theories.

You better believe his supporters are going to jump all over to this to wonder what else the CIA was doing if they were so bold to openly discuss operatives being in place on domestic soil with a text thread.

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