December 21, 2023

Texas Lt. Gov. Suggests Taking Biden Off Texas Ballot

You kind of just knew the talk of removing Biden from the ballots would start after Colorado’s Supreme Court disqualified Trump from its ballot.

Not so surprisingly, Texas was the first state to suggest doing something of the kind.

Immediately after the ruling came down, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that due to the immigration issue, Texas may see if it can remove Biden from the ballot.

Will It Happen?

Patrick was on Fox News with Laura Ingraham when he made the statement about removing Biden.

He stated, “Seeing what happened in Colorado tonight … makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he’s been president, disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history.”

Realistically, this is not happening and it is also playing into Democrats' hands. They want red state governors and members of Congress to say stuff like this so they can call them extremists, knowing full well it would be virtually impossible to have Biden removed from the ballot in the upcoming election.

What Texas is doing that will work, however, is crafting legislation that circumvents the federal government to either agree to be deported or be charged with misdemeanor crimes.

Patrick knows this legislation will come under fire from the Biden administration, which Patrick addressed, stating, “So we spent a lot of time, Laura, in the Senate writing this bill, along with the governor, and we believe we have a bill that will survive any type of Supreme Court challenge because we are being invaded.”

As far as the Colorado decision goes, I fully expect that to be overturned by the Supreme Court, hoping it is a unanimous decision to avoid any outage on the left (even though they would still be upset).

The one thing a unanimous decision, or even an 8-1 decision allows is a rebuttal against the Democrats that will talk about the Supreme Court being illegitimate if the decision is overturned. We absolutely need at least two liberal justices in on this decision, or it will be chaos.

In terms of Biden being kicked off the ballot, don’t fall for it because as much as I would like to agree with it, there is no legal standing for it and it would open up a precedent that we do not want in place.

Calm down, allow the Supreme Court to work through the case, and I am about 99.9 percent sure this decision will be overturned.

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