February 5, 2024

Texas Democrats Blame Gov. Abbott for Border Problems

House Democrats from Texas criticized Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Sunday, accusing him of escalating tensions at the U.S.-Mexico border and turning border safety into a political issue.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) labeled Abbott's border security program a "disaster" and part of the "most virulent anti-immigrant sentiment in a generation."

Abbott appeared to disregard a Supreme Court order allowing federal Border Patrol to dismantle barriers set up by state law enforcement. The governor insisted that state law takes precedence over federal law.

Several GOP governors, including Abbott, received support from others, with some offering material assistance, such as National Guard troops.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) expressed concern about a potential clash between state and federal troops, warning of a possible shootout.

Eagle Pass, Texas, witnessed protests against the federal government, drawing hundreds of people and raising concerns about potential violence.

Castro described the protesters as "quite frightening" and at times "confrontational," emphasizing that Abbott's rhetoric, particularly labeling it an "invasion," puts various communities at risk, including Latinos.

Castro drew parallels between the situation and the 2019 mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, which targeted Latinos. Democrats called on Abbott to adhere to the Supreme Court order and pursue legislative solutions for border security.

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) criticized Abbott for his show of force in Eagle Pass, turning it into a "movie set."

He urged collaboration and criticized House Republicans for rejecting an unreleased Senate border security bill despite his past criticisms of the Biden administration's border crisis.

As the House conducted an impeachment hearing for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, deemed by Democrats as political theater, Cuellar accused Republicans of neglecting their duties while attempting to impeach Mayorkas for not doing his job.

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