December 10, 2023

Biden Embarrasses His Family Yet Again With Another Fumbling Answer

It only took one question from a reporter to send the Biden administration into another tizzy.

Would President Joe Biden pardon his son, Hunter Biden, if convicted?

The administration began jumping through hoops in true smoke-and-mirrors fashion.

If Hunter Biden was innocent, they would just state the facts.

During a recent Air Force One briefing, Joe Biden's team was asked a simple question about Hunter Biden.

We expected a clear answer.

But that was not what liberals like Joe Biden and Karine Jean-Pierre like to give.

Instead, they sidestep the question and continue to dance around, without ever really providing a clear answer.

Hunter Biden is guilty. If this was anyone else, he’d already be convicted and serving his time behind bars. But, because he is the son of President Joe Biden, he is getting, quite literally, the royal treatment.

The way the Biden administration responded to the reporter’s question is just another great example of how the administration likes to handle sensitive PR issues relating to Joe Biden’s criminal family or the president’s cognitive decline.

Whether it is picking his nose and staring around confused while posing for a photo or being too weak and frail to keep a bicycle upright, President Joe Biden has clearly been losing his marbles over the past four years.

By the way, we are not saying you HAVE to be able to ride a bike to be president, but shouldn’t the most powerful man in the world be psychically and mentally sharp enough to do so?

The Biden administration truly seems to have an answer for everything.

I’m sorry, but if the president of the United States of America is picking his nose, clearly dazed and confused, in the middle of the photo op in term ONE, what does the Biden administration think is going to happen if term TWO roles around?

The Biden administration cannot keep covering for Joe’s slimy family or his blatantly slipping mind.

President Joe Biden, his administration, and his criminal family are NOT right for America.

If there’s anyone who can take care of the Biden infestation once and for all, it is former President Donald Trump!

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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