February 3, 2024

Biden accuser Tara Reade files suit against DOJ

Years after leveling allegations that President Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, Tara Reade has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The suit alleges that she was subjected to an invasion of privacy, mental anguish, and violations of both state and federal civil rights principles at the hands of the agency, as the National Pulse reported.

Reade claims that she was subjected to an ongoing investigation by the FBI that was aimed to protect Biden from her sexual assault accusations.

The former Biden staffer is also seeking damages in the amount of ten million dollars.

About The Suit

“Tara Reade was sexually victimized by then-Senator Joseph Biden in 1993. Her case was suppressed by Congressional investigators to protect Senator Biden and the records remain sealed,” a press release announcing the lawsuit states.

“When Tara spoke out again in 2019, she was immediately subjected to an ongoing FBI Operation to revictimize her a second time," it went on.

The press release also asserted that "FBI Operation ‘Cassandra’ was opened in order to retaliate, intimidate, discredit, and if possible, eliminate Tara as a threat to President Biden.”

The Fallout

The lawsuit states that Reade “suffered severe emotional distress" due to her interactions with now-President Biden, and the fallout from her public disclosures.

According to the plaintiff and her representatives, Reade also "suffered anxiety, was subjected to death threats, was unlawfully surveilled, had her communications and financial records seized and recorded and was forced to apply for asylum to a third country in credible fear of her life and liberty.”

These actions, the suit argues, violate the Fourth Amendment as well as multiple federal statutes.

The current president was also violation of “state law for invasion of privacy under Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1346(b), 2671," according to the suit.

Reade, who worked as an aide in then-Senator Biden’s office, accused him of committing sexual misconduct against her in 1993, claiming that Biden pinned her against a wall and reached under her skirt before sexually assaulting her.

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