February 1, 2024

Tara Reade Files Suit Against DOJ for Alleged ‘FBI Operation’ Run Against Her

Well, now that the primary season has started, you just know all the alleged victims of anyone running are going to come forward.

That now includes Tara Reade, an alleged sexual assault victim of Joe Biden who never had her day in court.

In fact, her allegations were quashed just as soon as they were made, and now she is out looking for revenge.

Sue You!

We live in a litigious society, which I am generally against, but this is one case where I hope Tara Reade has her day in court and wins.

When allegations are made against Republicans, they are heard on all fronts, they make front-page news, and candidates’ lives are ruined, regardless of the truth of the accusations.

When Tara Reade said that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, the allegation went away almost as quickly as it came out.

The moment that Joe Biden denied the allegation, the story ended in the media.

Reade has now filed a suit against the DOJ, more specifically claiming that the FBI ran an operation against her after she came out publicly with the allegation.

Reade is suing for $10 million "for infliction of emotional distress and anxiety.”

Among the claims that Reade is making about the alleged FBI operation are that a manuscript for a book went missing during a FedEx shipment as well as disruptions in her bank accounts.

Her attorney, Jonathan Levy, stated, "The United States should not have a two-tiered justice system.

"If President Trump and Mr. Giuliani can be assessed tens of millions in damages for their words; a weaponized FBI that seeks to silence, intimidate and eliminate Joe Biden’s victim, Tara Reade, must also be held accountable; failing to do so means our justice and legal system has become an instrument of political oppression and suppression."

To this point, the DOJ has not answered requests for comments on the matter.

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