November 4, 2023

Supreme Court To Review Trump-Era Bumpstock Ban

After a mass shooting was carried out in Las Vegas in 2017, then-PresidentDonald Trump took drastic action.

He took action to ban "bump stocks" almost immediately.

A bump stock device doesn't turn any weapon into a truly automatic weapon, but there's no denying that it definitely transforms semi-automatic weaponry into something completely different.

Most weapons owned by civilians at best have a semi-automatic fire rate, meaning that only one shot will fire each time the user can pull the trigger.

Sure, people can probably click that trigger pretty fast when it comes down to it, but there's no denying that moving your finger really fast is a totally different ballgame than just holding down your finger and spraying about a billion rounds per second.

While bump stocks didn't turn semi-automatic weapons into Rambo-style machine guns, they came as close as you legally could.

A "bump-stock" would turn a semi-automatic weapon into something closer to an automatic by using the gun's momentum to pull the trigger, not the user's finger.

The user's finger would still be in front of the trigger, but after they pulled it once, the bump stock would allow the weapon to use its own momentum to bounce back and forth on the user's finger.

This allowed the user to fire multiple shots after only pulling the trigger once.

Now, the U.S. Supreme Court is going to dig into the ban and see if it is lawful.

American lower courts have had different opinions on bump stocks, so the Biden administration recently asked the Supreme Court to take a look at the issue.

America's highest court agreed.

What do you think they will decide on bump stocks?

Should automatic weapons be illegal in the first place?

Should we rely on the Second Amendment to decide this case, or should exceptions be made?

Let us know in the comments below.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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