December 4, 2023

Supreme Court Sets Wednesday Deadline for Illinois Response on Gun Ban Legislation

Things are starting to heat up in the gun and magazine ban legislation in Illinois.

In January, Pritzker signed new gun legislation that went into effect the second he put his signature on the bill.

That bill is now being fought, and Illinois is officially on the clock with the Supreme Court to defend its position.

Let’s Hear It

The original lawsuit was filed by Robert Bevis of Law Weapons out of Naperville.

The original suit was against the city, but it was eventually amended to go after the state after the gun ban legislation was put in place.

After losing the appeal, Bevis took his complaint to the Supreme Court, where Justice Amy Coney Barrett accepted the case to the docket.

Bevis needs the injunction to be put in place so he can reopen his shop, as the ban has killed his business.

To that point, he stated, “Right now we are really living on life support, pretty much, and we need some relief so that we can at least try and rebuild.”

Bevis continues to point to the precedent that was set by the Supreme Court in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen case.

The complaint reads, “In summary, the Seventh Circuit’s decision was manifestly erroneous. In the meantime, Plaintiffs and hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Illinois citizens are suffering irreparable injury because their fundamental right to keep and bear arms is being infringed.

“Accordingly, Plaintiffs respectfully urge you to take up this case and grant the requested injunctive relief.”

If the injunction is allowed, the ban will be removed until the case works its way through the courts and a final ruling is made.

Representing Bevis, National Foundation for Gun Rights Executive Director Hannah Hill seems positive this decision will fall in their favor.

Hill stated, “The fact that [Barrett] asked for a briefing, that she’s turned to Illinois and Naperville and said ‘now give me your best arguments for why we should not grant this relief,’ that’s hugely encouraging.”

There is a similar case working its way through the California courts, currently sitting before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

This could be a race to the Supreme Court for a final ruling to get this issue settled once and for all.

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