March 2, 2024

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Trump Immunity Case

Former President Donald Trump just keeps WINNING in the courtroom.

The latest victory has been confirmed.

The Supreme Court has given Trump a YES.

The justices will officially review Trump’s case and make a ruling to determine whether the former president is or is not immune from criminal charges surrounding his attempts to question the 2020 election.

Trump lawyer Ty Cobb has released his thoughts on what could be going on in the minds of the high court jurists.

“The Supreme Court justices – fairly, although unfortunately in my view – probably had some concern about having a criminal defendant go to trial in this uniquely consequential separation of powers case of first impression without either the trial judge or the defendant having any idea where that line was. I think they decided it was time to illuminate the hallway on this issue,” said Cobb.

We agree with Cobb’s theory!

According to the Supreme Court, the justices intend to get to the bottom of one big question:

“Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office,” the court announced.

CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen has given his two cents on the matter.

“The question implicitly rejects Trump’s position of absolute immunity because of that language ‘whether…and to what extent. They are signaling that even if, to some extent there’s an official element, that that may not be enough,” Eisen said.

Regardless of where you stand on this issue, you can agree that it will be good to finally get to the bottom of this once and for all.

More information on the parties' arguments will surely emerge in the coming days and weeks.

How do you think the Supreme Court will rule in on the question of Trump’s immunity?

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