April 10, 2024

Supreme Court Declines to Block Missouri Execution

On Tuesday night, the execution of murderer Brian Dorsey was carried out.

This took place despite significant efforts to spare him, claiming the man had been rehabilitated.

His advocates were hoping a last-second plea to the Supreme Court would help, but the court declined to block the execution.


This is a case that had some drama in a way that we rarely see.

More than 70 corrections officers who were responsible for overseeing Dorsey during his time behind bars penned a letter to advocate for his clemency.

Governor Mike Parsons, however, did not honor the request… nor did the Supreme Court.

Kirk Henderson, a federal public defender representing Dorsey, appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing, “If the goals of punishment mean anything, they must mean that Mr. Dorsey’s life should be spared.

“Executing Mr. Dorsey after 17 years of extraordinary reformation and impeccable conduct will not sufficiently further the goals of retribution and deterrence.”

The court's denial did not explain why it did not approve the stay, and no dissenting opinions were noted in the ruling.

Tim Lancaster, a retired corrections officer who was among those who signed the letter asking for clemency, added, “Brian’s execution doesn’t make sense to me.

"He could have spent the rest of his life doing a valuable service in the prison as staff barber, and continuing to be a role model to younger offenders. I and so many of my fellow correctional staff are losing a humble, hardworking person we cared about today, and the Potosi community is worse off for it.”

Dorsey was convicted of murdering Sarah and Ben Bonnie after a night of drinking and smoking crack, having not slept for three days during the binge.

Dorsey snuck back into their home at the end of the partying, then went to their bedroom and shot them both, fleeing the scene in Bonnie’s car.

His advocates stated that he had become a model prisoner during his incarceration, even being chosen to live in the honor dorm due to his good behavior.

Before being executed, Dorsey had written a statement that was ready by his attorneys, “To all of the family and loved ones I share with Sarah and to all of the surviving family and loved ones of Ben, I am totally, deeply, overwhelmingly sorry. Words cannot hold the just weight of my guilt and shame.

“I still love you. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I am sorry I hurt them and you."

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