November 3, 2023

Students Walk Out in Protest While Hillary Teaching Class at Columbia

Hillary Clinton is having a tough time of it lately.

She may have just experienced something that, in her eyes, is even more embarrassing than losing to Trump in the 2016 election.

While giving her two-hour lecture at Columbia, students packed up and walked out en masse about an hour into the program.

See Ya!

The students were not actually protesting Hillary Clinton, but this was clearly an organized walkout that was taking place in protest of the pro-Palestinian students who were doxxed by Accuracy in Media.

They doxxed were among students from several Ivy League schools that blamed Israel for the war with Hamas.

In part, the letter stated, “The weight of responsibility for the war and casualties undeniably lies with the Israeli extremist government and other Western governments, including the US government, which fund and staunchly support Israeli aggression, apartheid, and settler-colonization.”

They wanted the school to end its with “apartheid Israel” and Tel Aviv University.

Now, I have argued against doxxing when Trump donors were exposed, so it is not like I can sit here and say that it is okay now because that would make me a hypocrite.

I have always been consistent on this front, but I will say the fact we have so many students in this country who just have it wrong regarding Palestine and Israel is very bothersome.

We have seen students and some Democrats, believe it or not, call Hamas a “military action” when it was clearly a terrorist attack.

Military actions do not involve killing and kidnapping civilian targets, nor do they parade dead civilians around in the streets.

If this is what the future holds for this country, the future is not so bright for the American way.


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