May 11, 2024

Steve Bannon's Lawyer Responds to Rejection of Contempt Appeal

Former President Donald Trump’s former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has had his appeal REJECTED.

The court has determined they will uphold Bannon’s contempt of court conviction he was slammed with for ignoring a court subpoena his was given regarding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol unrest.

Now, Bannon’s lawyer, David Schoen, has released a fiery statement in response to the court’s decision.

“The Court of Appeals panel held today that it does not have the authority to overrule the 1961 panel of the Court that issued the decision in the Licavoli case on the definition of the word ‘willfully’ as used in the Contempt of Congress statue. Mr. Bannon will now seek redress before the full Court of Appeals, which has the authority to overrule Licavoli,” the statement from Attorney David Schoen said.

Schoen was far from being done.

“There are many fundamentally important constitutional issues at stake in this case. Today’s decision is wrong as a matter of law and it reflects a very dangerous view of the threshold for criminal liability for any defendant in our country and for future political abuses of the congressional hearing process,” Schoen’s statement continued.

The statement went on to discuss the way that AMERICA handles cases like Bannon’s.

“In America, we do not criminally prosecute, let alone convict and send to prison people who not only don’t believe their conduct to be wrongful or in violation of the law, but as in this case, people who follow the advice of their lawyers who tell them that the law does not permit them to comply with a congressional subpoena when Executive Privilege has been invoked.” Schoen explained.

“President Trump expressly confirmed to the trial court in writing that he had indeed invoked Executive Privilege with respect to subpoena Mr. Bannon received,” the statement continued.

So, what are the next steps?

According to Schoen’s statement, they are headed to the full, en banc, appeals court.

“There are additional issues of constitutional dimension that were raised on appeal that we will also ask the En Banc Court to consider based on their direct conflict with other authority from this Court and the United States Supreme Court. That is the next step,” the statement concluded.

Schoen is not even close to throwing in the towel on Bannon’s conviction.

The lawyer believes that what is happening to his client is far from fair or appropriate.

While we have no idea what the outcome of Schoen’s next steps will be, it is safe to assume that Schoen is NOT going down without a fight.

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to read more by clicking on the original source link here.

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