January 31, 2024

Speaker Johnson Says Biden Immigration Deal ‘Absolutely Dead’

Over the last few days, the big discussion on the Hill has been over the immigration legislation that was crafted by a bipartisan team in the Senate.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has been adamant from the outset that the legislation was dead on arrival in the House.

Democrats have accused Johnson of doing Trump’s bidding by killing the legislation, an accusation that Johnson says is not true.

Dead on Arrival

Johnson reportedly met with some members of the GOP caucus who were concerned about the legislation being put on the floor.

The Speaker killing the legislation was confirmed by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who stated, “I just heard Speaker Johnson saying it’s absolutely dead, which is what I wanted to hear.

“As a matter of fact, he said so clear, ‘I don’t know why people keep asking me about it,’ because as it stands right now, there’s no way forward.”

There has been speculation on both sides of the aisle supporting the legislation, as well as from the White House, that the reason the legislation was killed was because Trump put the word out that he did not want to see it pass.

The narrative was that if Biden got this legislation passed, it could hurt Trump in a general election because he plans on hammering the immigration issue.

Johnson tried to shut down that narrative. When asked if he was killing the legislation for Trump, he responded, “No. That’s absurd. We have a responsibility here to do our duty.

“Our duty is to do right by the American people, to protect the people. The first and most important job of the federal government is protecting citizens. We’re not doing that under President Biden.”

As I stated in a previous report, from what I have seen of the legislation, it is nothing more than fluff to hand Biden a big win, which is another point that Johnson touched on, adding, “Why would you tolerate 5,000 a day before you sought to suddenly enforce the law? That would be surrender.

“The goal should be zero illegal crossings a day, not 5,000. And all the president’s authority should be utilized at zero.”

Biden can shut this mess down right now simply by enforcing our current immigration laws, but he wants to use this as an excuse to try to score points.

Unless I missed something on the legislation, I fully support the GOP blocking this from going through as it is currently written.

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