February 1, 2024

Speaker Johnson Raises Concerns About China’s Organ Harvesting

I have heard some politicians say some crazy things in my day, but this one is up there with the best of them.

Speaker Johnson (R-LA) recently gave a speech at the International Religious Freedom Summit.

Among the topics discussed were religious freedoms and organ harvesting, and, no, you did not misread that.

Johnson Offers Up Warning

Johnson is a man of deep faith, so the discussion on religious freedom was not surprising at all.

Johnson told the attendees, "When religious freedom is taken away from people, political freedom follows. We know that is the lesson of history.

“James Madison once said it is conscience that is the most sacred of all property. So if governments shouldn't steal your property, then they shouldn't steal your conscience."

Then he went off to an area that really surprised me, talking about organ harvesting in China.

Johnson stated, "Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong practitioners are placed in forced labor camps, and they have their organs harvested by the Chinese Communist Party.

"In the Uyghur autonomous region, Uyghur Muslims are suffering under Chinese Communist Party's genocidal campaign of forced sterilization, forced detention, and reeducation.

"Millions of Uyghurs have been detained in these camps, where they're kept in cramped cells, and they're tortured and brainwashed. Uyghur women are subject to heinous violence."

Now, this is not some crackpot theory, as it has been noted by human rights advocates that this has been going on for some time, and the WHO was supposed to have gotten involved, but we all know the WHO is deep in China’s pockets.

To that point, WHO medical officer José Ramon Nuñez Peña even admitted, "There may still be hidden things going on."

This has actually been a pet project of members of Congress for years.

The most recent actions being taken by Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Chris Coons (D-DE), who introduced a bill in 2023 on the matter, stating, "There is growing evidence that the Chinese Communist Party has and continues to harvest organs from persecuted religious groups, prisoners of conscience, and inmates.

"This bill will identify and punish CCP members involved in forced organ harvesting. It's past time to hold Beijing accountable for these heinous acts."

Just one more thing to add to the list of atrocities being committed by the Chinese.

One more note... this is one of those human rights nuisances that John Kerry did not want to get involved with in the name of climate change... just digest that a bit.

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