April 28, 2024

Source: Melania Trump likely displeased by revelations from hush money trial

Though many believe that Donald Trump's New York hush money trial is a travesty that is doing potentially irreparable harm to public perceptions of the justice system, it is also reportedly taking a toll on the former president's own family.

According to The Hill, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham is of the opinion that former first lady Melania Trump is paying close attention to the proceedings and is unhappy with the details the trial has brought to light.

Dredging up the past

During his nearly daily commentary outside the Manhattan courtroom where is case is being heard, Donald Trump last week lamented the fact that he was unable to join his wife to celebrate her birthday.

The trial's subject matter already covers what must be a sensitive area for Mrs. Trump, and her husband's absence to defend charges related to alleged extramarital affairs cannot be easy for her.

This week, jurors in the case were presented with testimony from former publishing executive David Pecker, who detailed scenarios involving Donald Trump's dealings with adult entertainer Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Grisham weighed on how she believes Mrs. Trump is receiving the information, telling CNN's Erin Burnett, “The fact that [Trump] asked about [McDougal] in the White House, the fact that some....White House staff got on the phone with David Pecker to talk about keeping his secret even further. Those were new details to me and so I know they were new details to [Melania] and I'm sure she's not happy about it.”

That said, Grisham added that Mrs. Trump remains a strong, stoic figure, noting, “Now, make no mistake, she's not sitting at home, you know, crying over this, but you know, like any...married woman or woman in a relationship, it's not fun to hear these details.”

Not just Melania

As Newsweek notes, Melania is not the only Trump woman who appears to be steering clear of the hush money case, with former first daughter Ivanka Trump also remaining mum on the topic and placing her focus elsewhere.

Despite her high-profile roles in her father's 2016 campaign and his tenure in the Oval Office, Ivanka Trump has taken a deliberate series of steps back from his current presidential campaign as well as from his numerous ongoing legal battles.

Rather than weighing in on her father's courtroom challenges, Ivanka Trump has instead opted to use social media to update her fans and followers on the life she and her family have been building in the Miami area.

It is worth noting that Donald Trump's youngest daughter, Tiffany, has also stayed quiet about the legal difficulties with which her dad is currently contending, perhaps following the example set by her sister and stepmother.

The former president's sons, Eric and Donald Jr., however, had not shied away from condemning the various cases currently pending against their father, joining him in characterizing them as partisan witch hunts orchestrated by political enemies.

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